Tech trends shaping the digital learning solutions of 2024

By Dieter Deuer

Nearly half of all global workers will need reskilling or upskilling by 2025. Bit of a curveball isn’t it? But the good news is that the tech innovations driving this change in the workforce will also provide us with the digital learning solutions to change with it. 


Technology is already transforming workplace learning. But how will this evolve in 2024? What tech trends will emerge empowering employees to acquire new skills and thrive in the evolving workplace? 


Artificial intelligence in learning and development will undoubtably take centre stage in 2024, transforming digital learning solutions at pace. Personalised learning paths will be driven by L&D technology, AI assistants will enhance employee self-service portals, while interactive courses will support upskilling initiatives.


But AI is only one part of this puzzle. Human connection will remain vital as collaborative learning platforms become increasingly sought after. These digital learning solutions will include interactive webinars, gamified experiences and peer-to-peer mentoring networks. 


The rise of Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) will see organisations shift away from Learning Management Systems (LMS) offering employees a vibrant digital learning space brimming with diverse digital resources.  These will be tailored to individual interests and professional goals using AI-powered recommendations and social learning features. 


While LXPs revolutionise how we learn, the future of workforce development demands more. Skills Platforms and Talent Experience Platforms (TXPs) are two emerging players that will supercharge upskilling and reskilling in the future and shift the focus from content consumption to skill mastery. TXPs take things a step further, integrating HR functions like performance management, career planning and talent mobility with the learning landscape. 


Microlearning will also play a key role in moulding L&D this year. Bite-sized learning delivered remotely is becoming more common place. This offers employees quick bursts of easily digestible learning tailored to their specific needs and accessible anytime, anywhere. 


Immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will blur the lines between the virtual and real, creating practical learning experiences that are not just informative, but downright electrifying! 


Stay with us as we delve deeper into these exciting trends and explore how they'll shape the way we learn and upskill in 2024 and beyond.

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) in digital learning


Advances in AI are reimagining how we interact with technology and digital learning solutions are no exception to the rule. In the same way that AI algorithms are used in entertainment and social media apps to recommend relevant content to a user, AI in L&D creates personalised learning experiences based on the data that organisations have about their employees. 


Gone are the day long training sessions parroting the same material regardless of skill level or interest. AI is transforming the learning landscape into a vibrant, personalised playground! 


The landscape of learning and development is shifting rapidly with AI-powered personalised paths, electrifying collaborative platforms and the rise of LXPs and TXPs that offer a comprehensive and holistic view of organisational L&D. Microlearning and mobile tech liberate knowledge creating bite-sized learning on the go, while immersive tech like VR and AR blur the lines between simulation and reality, making learning an unforgettable adventure.


The future of learning is a vibrant, personalised playground where technology continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Those ditching the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach and embracing the digital learning solutions of tomorrow will position themselves ahead of the curve, preparing their workforce for a re-skilling revolution. 


Explore these trends, delve deeper into the platforms and see how digital learning can ignite professional growth in your organisation. Remember, learning is a lifelong journey and with the technological advancements of today already at our fingertips, the learning and development landscape is only getting more exciting. 


If you’re looking for transformative HR or L&D support, contact our team today. 


These powerful tools are already beginning to revolutionise the L&D landscape across a range of industries. From healthcare and engineering to aviation and oil and gas, these technologies offer customised solutions that break down complex skills and enhance traditional training methods. 


Virtual reality empowers companies to train their workforce efficiently, effectively and in a way that sticks driving both individual and organisational success.


VR is redefining what it means to acquire skills and knowledge, transforming the landscape of L&D with practical simulations, electrifying experiences and tangible results. So, ditch the dusty textbooks and dive into immersive learning.

Transforming L&D practices

VR/AR throws learners headfirst into real-world simulations transforming complex tasks into thrilling, interactive experiences. Employees can learn practical skills without real world consequences if they make a mistake. This is ideal for roles that require practical training in high-risk environments, like surgeons, pilots, construction workers and so on.


The possibilities are endless and the benefits are tangible – safer training, faster skill acquisition and a workforce equipped to handle real-world challenges with confidence.


But VR isn’t just effective for high-risk, practical roles. It brings concepts to life making learning more fun and engaging. Learning shouldn't feel like a chore and VR/AR ensures it isn't. Imagine exploring the rainforest to learn about biodiversity, stepping into historical events to witness history firsthand or experiencing safety training in a ‘live’ environment. VR creates a limitless learning environment and has been proven to increase knowledge retention through memorable experiences.

VR/AR in practical learning


Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are no longer sci-fi fantasies of the future. They're already in play, transforming the way we work and interact with each another. Immersive tech is changing the way we acquire skills and knowledge, turning learning into an electrifying, hands-on experience. Learners are immersed in interactive environments that blur the lines between the virtual and the real, leaving you with practical skills and memories that stick.

6. Immersive tech (VR/AR): Learning like never before

One of the best parts of microlearning is that it can fit around a busy schedule such as a commute to work, during lunch break or waiting to pick up the kids.


Mobile and microlearning liberates knowledge, making it accessible on a smartphone, tablet or smartwatch. Waiting for a coffee? Whip out a quick lesson on negotiation skills. Mobile learning adapts to your life, not the other way around.


With mobile learning every spare moment becomes a potential learning opportunity. Conquer new skills while waiting for the bus, explore coding concepts during a workout or master data analysis skills while sunning in the garden.


No more excuses about time constraints or inconvenient locations. Mobile learning makes knowledge accessible with a couple of clicks, wherever and whenever.

Mobile learning

Microlearning breaks up the learning process into digestible segments, perfect for those with busy schedules and short TikTok attention spans. These bite-sized modules, often just 5-15 minutes long, tackle specific topics with laser focus, leaving learners feeling informed and invigorated. 


Microlearning is an ideal learning practice for those who just need a quick refresher course and those who are tackling huge topics, because it breaks everything down into shorter more retainable sessions. 


Leave behind those long training modules that leave your brain feeling like mush. The use of microlearning and mobile learning where knowledge is shared in bite-sized nuggets available anytime and anywhere, is a trend we foresee gaining renewed traction in 2024.

5. Microlearning and mobile learning

digital learning technology

TXPs go beyond learning, seamlessly integrating HR functions like performance management, career planning and talent mobility into one unified platform. Learning progress fuels performance reviews, skill gaps automatically trigger personalised upskilling recommendations and internal opportunities are based on your teams evolving skillset. 


This digital learning solution aligns the learning journey with the individual career goals of each employee, revolutionising upskilling and career development potential and enabling employers to create strategic succession plans to promote from within.


TXP’s also analyse your learning activity, performance data and career aspirations to paint a holistic picture of your team’s professional potential. They identify strengths and weaknesses and suggest relevant training to bridge the skill gaps based on the individual needs of each user. 


They can also connect employees with colleagues possessing the skills they’re working towards, fostering peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange. The constant feedback-loop propels users towards their full potential through personalised guidance and targeted development opportunities.


TXP’s offer more than learning, they create a dynamic ecosystem where development takes centre stage, empowering employees to thrive both professionally and personally.

TXPs and holistic development 

Skills Platforms pull learning materials from a diverse range of sources (LXPs, internal training programs and external platforms) into one digital learning solution. These platforms are designed to recommend the right learning resources based on an end users current skill set.


It analyses the current skill level, career goals and learning preferences of employees and creates a personalised roadmap to help them reach their full potential and support their career development goals. This pathway might include microlearning modules, interactive simulations and industry-specific webinars. Skills Platforms deliver laser-focused learning where every resource has a purpose.

Skills platforms


While LXPs revolutionise how we learn, the future of workforce development demands more. Skills Platforms and Talent Experience Platforms (TXPs) are two game-changers poised to push upskilling and reskilling into hyperdrive. Let's delve deep into these platforms and explore how they'll empower your professional journey in 2024 and beyond.

4. Skills and Talent Experience Platforms (TXPs)

Traditional LMS are carefully crafted, but rigid, learning platforms offering a more top-down structured learning experience. LXP’s on the other hand are like vibrant learning spaces curated just for you. No more generic modules or prescribed paths! LXPs leverage AI and data to craft personalised learning journeys, combining content from internal training, external libraries and curated courses into a bespoke learning repository based on your skills, goals and interests. 


The beauty of personalisation:

  • No more generic modules that leave you feeling like you're learning about topics you'll never use. LXPs curate resources that directly align with your specific needs and goals, ensuring every step forward is a valuable one.
  • Learning becomes more relevant and therefore engaging. LXPs offer diverse learning resources from articles and podcasts to interactive simulations and microlearning modules, keeping you captivated and engaged throughout your learning journey.
  • LXPs encourage active participation with social learning features like forums and discussion boards, fostering collaboration and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange making learning active rather than passive.

It's no wonder LXPs are rapidly overtaking traditional LMS. This isn't just a shift in methodology – it's a transformation of the learning landscape itself.

LXP vs LMS: Bidding farewell to one-size-fits-all


Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) are transforming learning and development away from traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS) which usually acts as the learning hub of an organisation. LXPs provide users with a more tailored experience recommending training and learning modules based on personalised role requirements and user data. 

3. The rise of Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs)


Organisations grow when experienced professionals share their hard-earned wisdom and offer guidance to beginners. Peer-to-peer mentoring networks offer access to industry veterans and thought leaders willing to share their knowledge via a virtual platform, making valuable guidance just a click away. Mentors provide personalised feedback, share valuable anecdotes and offer career advice, while mentees contribute fresh perspectives, spark new ideas and keep the knowledge exchange dynamic. 


Organisations with strong peer-to-peer mentoring programs typically see an increase in employee engagement and retention. It's a win-win scenario where senior members feel valued and contribute through sharing, while juniors gain invaluable insights and accelerate their growth.


Collaborative learning platforms are not just about acquiring knowledge but about building a community of learners, sharing experiences and supporting each other's growth. Whether through interactive webinars, gamified challenges or peer-to-peer mentoring, these platforms foster a dynamic environment where learning becomes a collective journey making your team stronger, smarter and more adaptable than ever.

Peer-to-peer mentoring networks 


Gamified learning experiences offer employees a playful and fun way to gain new skills and knowledge through team-based quests, puzzles and competitive activities. Points, badges and virtual rewards fuel the spirit of friendly competition, while collaboration hones communication, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


This digital learning solution has been shown to increase knowledge retention by up to 25% and even improve skill mastery. In this gamified world learning becomes engaging, memorable and downright fun. 

Gamified learning experiences 


Digitally held interactive webinars are learning sessions buzzing with real-time engagement and knowledge sharing. These live sessions enable employees to actively participate in the learning process. Think polls, Q&A sessions, breakout rooms for brainstorming and interactive whiteboards where everyone can contribute. In these virtual classrooms course leaders guide the exploration while learners share insights, offer peer support and learn from each other's diverse perspectives. This translates to a learning experience that's dynamic, stimulating and deeply human. 

Interactive webinars

digital learning solutions


While AI personalises the learning journey, a human touch remains vital in the digital revolution. This is where collaborative learning platforms can transform isolated learning into a vibrant communal experience. This provides teams with an opportunity not just to acquiring knowledge, but to share it, and build on it together, amplifying everyone's professional growth. Let's explore how these platforms will create a dynamic space for knowledge exchange and collaborative skill development in 2024.

2. Collaborative digital learning solutions

AI analyses your L&D platform interactions, piecing together workplace data around the end users role, skills and learning history, as well as engagement patterns and performance data to craft a bespoke learning path for success, personally tailored to each team member. AI-powered paths keep learning laser-focused on the skills required, ensuring every recommendation adds value and keeps employees engaged.


Why is this a benefit? A recent study by McKinsey & Company found that personalised learning platforms boost employee engagement which means employees comply with workflows and undergo their required training with less resistance.

Personalised learning paths

While LMS and HRIS are both essential and valuable assets, it’s easy for users to get lost or feel overwhelmed by these systems. One particular use of AI which will emerge in a big way in 2024 are AI assistants which will supplement employee self-service platforms and support end users to find what it is they are looking for. Not only will this improve employee engagement with existing systems and make it easier for employees to navigate them on their own, but it will also alleviate the administrative burden on HR admins and reduce the number of tickets raised in the system. 


AI-powered chatbots will become friendly learning companions for system users, helping them find their relevant learning materials and answering their HR process and policy related questions 24/7. Organisations deploying AI-powered self-service portals typically see a considerable reduction in support tickets. 

AI-powered employee self-service portals

Interactive AI-driven courses: Learning that adapts to you

Adjust learning to your pace with AI-driven courses that sense your comprehension level, offering additional challenges when you're conquering concepts and providing extra support when you hit a roadblock. No more feeling stuck or bored – AI keeps users engaged and progressing, ensuring your digital learning solutions are dynamic and stimulating.


Organisations using adaptive learning platforms have reported an increase in knowledge retention. No more cramming. Learners are better able to internalise concepts and maximise their knowledge absorption. 

About the author


Dieter Deuer


Dieter serves as our Head of Technology and Innovation providing strategic Learning and HR leadership, driven by a passion for streamlining the learning experience.


With a wealth of expertise spanning two decades, Dieter has been instrumental in leveraging technology to propel learning forward in the Financial, Energy & Sustainability sectors. His extensive track record showcases adeptness in strategic leadership within the learning & HR realm.



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