Optimise your HR operations

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Why optimise your operations in 2024

Streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and empower your HR team with a centralised HR system.

Save time & money

Using a centralised HR system eliminates redundancies and automates processes, which can significantly reduce administrative costs. This allows companies to reclaim valuable resources and redirect them. 

Streamline workflows

Centralising HR operations streamlines workflows, reduces manual data entry, and automates repetitive tasks. This frees up your HR team to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth.

Improve engagement

A centralised system allows you to manage the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment to offboarding and everything in between in one convenient place. This makes it easier for end users and systems admins improving employee engagemement.

How to optimise your systems

Developing your HR strategy 

The first step towards centralising your operations is to develop and refine your HR strategy. Our team work with you to create a well-considered strategy that aligns with the overall objectives of your organisation. During this phase we:

  • Assess: We start by evaluating your existing operations to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas where centralisation can bring improvements.
  • Align: Next, we ensure that your HR strategy is in sync with the mission, vision, and goals of your organisation. 
  • Define: We’ll clearly define what employees can expect from your HR systems to set appropriate expectations and improve engagement.
  • Refine: Remember, your HR strategy is not set in stone. It’s important to adapt to changing organisational needs and market dynamics. We keep our finger on the pulse to help our clients remain flexible in their strategy.

Review access to your systems

Operational efficiency relies on how easily employees can access your HR systems. Here is how we help can help you centralise this process:

  • We carefully access and analyse the current employee journey using your systems to understand where they go to access information and how they interact with your content.
  • We identify their pain points and design a future employee journey that prioritises efficiency and centralisation. This can be achieved by considering self-service options and integrating multiple channels into one platform.

Creating a user centric journey starts by assessing the needs and preferences of employees.

Conduct a content audit

Working with an efficient system can make a world of difference when it comes to tactical content deployment, planning and delivery. We help our clients achieve this by:

  • We conduct an evaluation of your existing content to determine what information is essential and identify areas where streamlining or automation can be implemented.
  • Next, we assess your delivery methods to better understand how content is reaching employees through channels such as knowledge bases, chatbots or self-service portals.
  • We then help you implement automated processes that speed up this process while also tailoring content according to an employee’s needs ensuring relevance and fostering engagement.

Refine your data management

Data plays a central role in HR. Having accurate, up-to-date data and a comprehensive data management system helps drive data-based decision making. Our method of data refinement will help you optimise your HR operations. Here’s how we do it:

  • We evaluate why and how you collect and use data to develop a data strategy that automates this process for you, improves the accuracy of the data you manage and stores it all in a secure and easy to access location.
  • We will also help you to maintain data accuracy and completeness by implementing data governance practices that ensure data remains healthy.
  • Using data analytics, we help you gain insights into how your HR operations are performing ranging from recruitment to payroll, performance management and even learning and development projects. This is a great way to get a holistic view of your HR operations. 

Evaluate your tech

The technology you use will play a key role in determining how easy it will be to integrate your systems into one centralised platform. Analysing what you use now, prioritising and understanding the capabilities of each system are essential to this process:

  • This process begins by evaluating and taking stock of what you currently use and highlighting any redundancies, overlap or out-of-date systems that could be replaced. It’s also important to consider whether these functions support centralisation. 
  • Our specialist knowledge of HR systems helps us to identify those that can integrate seamlessly and highlights gaps that will need to be filled and make recommendations on how to do so and what technology should be employed.  
  • Having done this, we’ll then develop a technology roadmap that outlines how to integrate and implement tools that will streamline your operations into one seamless system. 

Establish governance 

To ensure that your new systems run smoothly, it’s essential to establish governance and continue to review you tech. It’s important to keep abreast of new developments and continue to analyse how well your system works for you and your team. 

  • We establish a governance framework which sets structures for governance, including roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes.
  • We will also continue to review your HR technology vendors based on their ability to support your organisational objectives and functions.
  • What’s more, we review our clients Service Level Agreements and can manage the relationship between them and their technology vendors to ensure it aligns with your goals. 

Ready to optimise your HR systems?

Contact us today to start your transformation journey.

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